Friday, 5 August 2011

How to Install / Setup Fake Login Page

You must have come across many fake login pages/scamming pages which are often used to hack IDs.Phishing is the most easiest and the most "unethical way of hacking",Yes that is right phishing is not something great which only a few can do,that is why it makes it unethical.But whatever it might be hacking is hacking and there is obviously a need to know more on this type of exploitation.Before we go into the details let us first see what phishing is all about.

How to Install & Setup a Fake Login Page/Phishing page

What is Phishing ?

Phishing is a way of deceiving your victim by making him login through one of your webpages which is a clone of the original one.By doing so the fake webpage will log his E-mail ID and password.After that he will automatically be redirected to the original webpage making him unsuspicious of what just happened.This is used for criminal activities for stealing Credits Cards and So.And that is the exact reason why i DO NOT want you to use this for fraud.Use this only for educational purposes and not to cause any damage to any person in any way.

First of all you have to get a phishing page.This is available in my blog itself.So download one in advance.

Phishing Pages/Fake login Script Downloads